Privacy policy


At L’Angéle buyer service Inc. (alternatively referred to as "our organization" or "the business"), we hold a deep understanding of the critical importance of safeguarding identifiable information of our users, including those who are current members, aspiring members, and users who browse our website. This understanding forms an integral part of our commitment to corporate social responsibility. Therefore, we have developed a procedure for the collection, usage, and potential disclosure of personal data to third parties, all of which falls under the structure of our Privacy Policy detailed below. It's of utmost importance for users of the "L’Angéle buyer service" online platform, hereafter referred to as "the Portal", to review this Privacy Policy thoroughly before agreeing to its terms. If for any reason, consent cannot be provided, access to or use of the Portal's services may be limited or prohibited.

User Information

The phrase "User Information" pertains to any specifics that might lead to the identification of an individual user. This encompasses:

• Personal data like user's name, login particulars, home address, electronic mail address, phone number, in addition to financial data including credit card specifics, bank account digits, and any certified personal identification records (such as authenticated signature certificates, organizational affirmations, etc.). This data may have been primarily registered on the Website or provided by the user at a later date.

• Details regarding the user's interactions on our service, encompassing the services accessed, the timestamps of usage, the regularity of such access, and other pertinent specifics.

• Data linked to the user's financial transactions in relation to the utilization of the Website.

Collection of User Information

We may gather User Data from individuals interacting with our Website in the following ways:

• Data Acquisition through our Website: Input of User Data directly into our Website by an individual.

• Data Acquisition via email, physical mail, documentation, phone calls, and various other means: Data shared with us by a user via email, physical mail, documentation, phone calls, and other means.

• Data Acquisition from emails sent to users: If a user's email client has the ability to verify the delivery and opening of emails, we may obtain and log details about the delivery and opening of our emails via such a client. If a user does not consent to this, they should deactivate this feature in their email client, or choose another email client without this capability.

• Data Acquisition regarding user activity on the Website: We may gather data on a user's activity on the Website, including their browsing history, and other specifics, such as the URL accessed, the type of internet browser or mobile phone used, IP addresses, and other related data.

Purpose of Use of User Information

User Information will be leveraged for the reasons communicated to the user when their data was collected, as well as for the following uses. We will not use the acquired User Information for any other purposes outside of these:

• To update buyers and personal shoppers via email or other means on the status of their transactions and significant updates, ensuring safe and reliable transactions through the website (email address, username, etc.);

• To verify the purchase of products and services and facilitate their delivery (name, residential address, etc.);

• To verify requests for email distribution services and the dispatch of emails (username, email address, etc.);

• To validate membership registrations and supply the associated services (username, usage history, user's official personal identification documents, etc.);

• For billing purposes, and for payment and reimbursement of goods and services costs and their confirmation (usage history, payment information, etc.);

• To send rewards and presents to users who participate in our surveys (name, residential address, etc.);

• To dispatch prizes to users who have entered competitions and similar events;

• To interact with users when we've been notified of violations of the Website's Terms of Use by these users (username, email address, etc.);

• To interact with users when handling requests and/or complaints concerning the Website's services made by these users (username, email address, residential address, etc.);

• To enhance the variety of products/services and the Website's features for increased user satisfaction;

• To tailor the array of products/services and the specifics of the Website to suit the particular needs of users (username, usage history, etc.);

• To gauge user satisfaction with the information, goods, services, etc. ordered via the Website (username, usage history, email address, etc.);

• To compile the results of statistical processing of personal information and publish it as part of our user research findings;

• To understand the usage patterns of users and utilize this data for enhancing existing services and developing new ones (username, usage history, etc.);

• To provide details on our various membership services and other offerings (username, email address, etc.);

• To politely request cooperation in surveys or involvement in organized events and to report the results back to participants, etc. (username, email address, etc.);

• To comprehend the usage patterns of products, services, the Website, etc. by users and to provide relevant information and surveys that we deem beneficial for users (username, email address, residential address, etc.);

• In addition to the aforementioned, to address any issues or difficulties related to the operation of the Website's services where the usage of User Information is needed.

Provision or Disclosure of User Information to Third Parties

We will not share or reveal any User Information with third parties, except in the circumstances outlined below:

• Sharing with Outsourcing Entities:

Certain tasks, either in their entirety or partially, may be outsourced to companies that we deem trustworthy and that have committed to confidentiality agreements with us concerning personal data protection. This may be for the purposes of User Information management, user information provision, campaign or survey execution, and other similar objectives. In such instances, we will only share User Information with these outsourcing entities to the extent necessary to fulfill the objective, and it will be under our strict supervision.

• Sharing with Alliance Entities and Business Associates:

We may form alliances or partnerships for service provision with companies that we trust and that have committed to confidentiality agreements with us concerning personal data protection. In such a case, we will only share User Information with these companies and/or partners to the extent necessary for the provision of these services, and it will be under our strict supervision.

Use of “Cookies”

Our Website may transfer small data files known as "cookies" to a user's personal computer's memory for storage. Utilizing cookies offers certain advantages, like efficiently delivering content and ads that align with users' interests. However, users can opt to decline cookies by adjusting their internet browser's settings to alert them before accepting cookies. But it's worth noting that if cookies are declined, some features and services of our Website may not function properly

Our website employs cookie technology for a variety of essential functions:

• When a user accesses a secure part of our site, cookies assist in delivering personalized services based on the user's registration details.

• Cookies play a role in displaying optimally targeted ads to each user on external sites, considering their preferred content and interaction history with our Website.

• They contribute to gauging the overall user numbers and analyzing traffic patterns on the Website.

• Information related to user visits, usage patterns, and activities on external advertising platforms, collected by these platforms, will be processed and utilized in adherence to their respective privacy guidelines.

• Users possess the option to inhibit third parties from utilizing their visitation, usage, and activity information on the Website via the opt-out provision made available by these third parties.

*Importantly, information saved within cookies does not encompass personal identifiers such as names, email addresses, contact numbers, residential addresses, or any data that could distinctly identify an individual.

Amendments to User Information by the Company

In instances where there are alterations in the registered User Information vital for product delivery or billing, such as changes in municipal name, postal code, banking institution name, or credit card expiration dates, we reserve the right to appropriately update the registered User Information of the user.

Handling and Protection of User Information; International Transfers

  • We store all User Information we gather in server(s) safeguarded by firewall, located in environments that are not accessible to the general public. We strive to prevent any unauthorized access, loss, damage, alteration, or unwarranted disclosure. We might delegate the management of personal information to companies we deem trustworthy and that have entered into confidentiality agreements regarding personal information with us. Even in such scenarios, the User Information will continue to be shielded in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

  • If your residence is in the European Economic Area or in any nation that enforces relevant data privacy or safeguarding laws which impede the overseas transmission of personal data (including User Information), by submitting your User Information to us, it will be considered as an explicit acceptance on your part for such a cross-border sharing of your User Information to our firm, service outsourcing entities, allied firms, business associates, credit card firms (including but not limited to Wise, Inc.), banking institutions, and/or any other entity detailed under "User Information Transfer or Disclosure to Third Parties". We will restrict the transfer of User Information to what's essential for the facilitation and management of our services, and we pledge to make every practical effort to maintain an adequate level of personal data protection in accordance with the relevant data privacy and protection laws. Should we deem it essential to employ protective actions to prevent unauthorized access to User Information, we will use a commonly adopted encryption system known as SSL (Secure Socket Layer) for such data transmissions.

  • Please be vigilant! Should you decide to submit your private data using a browser that does not support SSL for activities such as sign-ups, applications, or purchases on our site, there's a chance your personal information might be intercepted or pilfered by entities outside our control during the data transmission process. We strongly advise you to use these SSL-unsupported browsers only when you are wholly conscious of and willing to undertake the inherent risks.

Information Pertaining to Minors

When it comes to users under the legal age, their parents or authorized guardians must agree to our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, and other related agreements, fully endorsing the minor's usage of our Website under these terms.

International Accessibility

We kindly ask that you avoid accessing the Website from international regions or jurisdictions where the use, handling, operation, and/or the Website's contents are considered illegal or unsuitable under the relevant local laws and guidelines.

Enhancements to the Privacy Policy and Verification of Its Most Recent Content

We are committed to refining the details of our Privacy Policy. To view the most recent version of our Privacy Policy, please visit our website at the following address:

• (for personal computers/smart phones):

We encourage each user to thoroughly read the updated Privacy Policy before interacting with our Website or using our services. By accessing the Website or utilizing our services, it will be assumed that you have consented to the stipulations of our most current Privacy Policy.

Freedom in Supplying User Information

Every user holds the freedom to choose whether to share their personal information with us. However, if you opt not to disclose your personal information, it may prevent you from receiving our responses and/or services (including employment evaluations, for job applicants).

Processes for Revealing, Amending, Halting Use, etc. of User Information

Every user has the capability to verify or edit their personal data as registered on the Website by logging into the Website using their registered login ID and password. For additional processes concerning the revelation, amendment, cessation of use, etc. of User Information, please reach out to the personal information protection manager specified below.

Inquiries regarding users' personal information should be directed to:

  • Contact: General Manager, Corporate Operation Department (serving as the personal information protection manager)

  • E-mail:

  • Tel: +44 7365 045951

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